Chicken Recipes
Chicken is a safe choice for most heartburn sufferers, but it can soon become a boring meal without some variety. The same goes for other main dishes. With these recipes, however, you will not only have variety, but you will also get the great taste of many of your old favorites!
Beef Recipes
You may have thought you couldn't eat beef if you suffered from heartburn. While you may need to select leaner cuts of meat and very lean ground beef, it is possible to enjoy those beef recipes without having to worry about heartburn.
Pork Recipes
Pork is often called "the other white meat" and is often as lean as chicken. Pork tenderloin is especially lean. The recipes here are heartburn-friendly, because fat is sometimes a heartburn trigger. Leaner meats and low-fat ingredients cut down on fat content.
Turkey Recipes
Turkey is a safe choice for most heartburn sufferers, because it is leaner than beef and ground turkey can often be substituted for ground beef in many recipes. With these turkey recipes, you will also get great tasting dishes that are more heartburn friendly because of the lower fat content.
Seafood / Fish Recipes
Most fish and seafood are great low-fat meal choices for those individuals whose heartburn is triggered by fatty foods. The recipes listed here will not only give you a various of healthy dishes, they'll give you great taste too.
Vegetarian Recipes
All these recipes are meatless, but still contain a lot of flavor, and are heartburn-friendly.
Rice Recipes
Rice is the staple food for two-thirds of the world's population. It is nutritious while being ideal for special diets. The following recipes are also heartburn friendly and can be enjoyed by heartburn sufferers.
Casserole and Stew Recipes
These recipes are tasty, filling, but won't cause the heartburn many other casserole and stew recipes that contains onions, tomatoes and spice may.
Pasta Recipes
Pasta is a staple most people have in their pantries, and it makes for a great addition to many meals. The following recipes are also heartburn friendly and can be enjoyed by heartburn sufferers.
Salads Recipes
Salads are a common part of many meals. Whether you like a chef salad or a more substantial salad that can be a meal in itself, or anything in between, the following recipes are tasty as well as being heartburn-friendly.
Side Dish Recipes
If you suffer from acid reflux, try these side dish recipes that will keep you heartburn-free. Side dishes can be creative, delicious, and quick to make too!
Dessert Recipes
We all like desserts. While chocolate may be a heartburn trigger for you, there are many other great desserts that can satisfy your sweet tooth and still be heartburn-friendly.
Breakfast Recipes
Breakfast is an important meal, and is necessary to start your day off right. The recipes below are not only fast and delicious, they are also heartburn friendly.
Kid-friendly Recipes
One of the leading triggers of heartburn is the food we eat. In addition, fatty foods can cause a lot of problems for those prone to suffering heartburn, so parents can do their kids' bodies a favor by finding low-fat options for school lunches
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